Saturday, September 27, 2008

The United Nations Is Pro-Abortion And Militant About It, As Is Obama

There is a troubling trend growing within the "pro-choice" crowds, and that is seeking to deny real choice to those who disagree with them. The latest incarnation of this is the United Nations and it's pressure on Ireland to legalize abortion. Who knew that Ireland needs reforms on human rights? What is even more disturbing is Barack Obama's support to add a tax on the American people that will go directly to the United Nations. This Global Poverty Tax bill will require 0.7% of the United States budget to go to the U.N. and this amounts to about $2,500 from each American tax payer. There could be a new concerted effort by the pro-abortion absolutists to intimidate those who disagree with them if Barack Obama is elected President. We will need religious leaders who will be willing to stand against this and it is encouraging to see that some pastors are realizing now the need to confront a law limiting what can be preached from the pulpit.