Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Feminist Blog Attacks CPC's While Deceiving Women About The Unborn

The pro-abortion and pro-gay blog, feministing, keeps lying about pro-life pregnancy clinics while ignoring the lies Planned Parenthood has been caught in on a repeated basis. The latest example comes from their attack on and intolerance of any pregnancy clinic that is not pro-abortion. From their What We Missed section:
"A crisis pregnancy center in Maryland is suing for the right to lie about their services."
Feminists demand pro-life clinics post what they do or do not provide and yet howl at the thought of women actually being told the truth about their unborn baby. Feminists rage against the idea that a woman should actually see an ultrasound of her baby, see her baby's humanity, before following through with the decision to kill her child. No, feminism is not about true informed choice or choice at all, the only "choice" feminists will tolerate is the one that is made out of ignorance and that results in the death of the unborn baby.

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Cross posted at Blue Collar Philosophy.