Wednesday, May 20, 2009

When Abortion Is Viewed As Better Than Adoption, You Are Pro-Abortion

Can we please remove all pretense here and call it what it is? When feminists now argue that it is better to abort than to adopt they are not just pro-choice but pro-abortion.

"I am not a fan of adoption - I've heard far too many horror stories, and I couldn't send my baby out in the world to be raised by someone else who might not be a good parent."

Notice the absurd justification for killing her child, even granting her poor health she cites also. She is concerned the someone else might not be a good parent to her child. And yet killing it is being a good parent? This type of logic is dangerous to us all in that there is no reason it cannot be extended to apply to newborns or anyone dependent on another for sustenance.

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27


Sparta SDA said...

I agree completely with you. I myself am adopted and so thankful my birth mother didn't feel the way these selfish women now days do. That they can think of a human life in the sense of being disposable is disturbing.

Blue Collar Todd said...


Thank you for the comment. Your life is a powerful testimony to the truth that adoption is the right thing to do.

Sparta SDA said...

Thank you Todd! I am now following you on Twitter!

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