Saturday, February 26, 2011

Alveda King Agrees With Pro-Life Billboards Expressing Concern About The Abortion Of Black Babies

That last thing someone who is pro-abortion wants it to be confronted with the evil reality of their position. A pro-life billboard campaign has sought to confront pro-abortion absolutists with the evil truth of the position and they are having nothing to do with. The only decision pro-abortion absolutists will tolerate is the one that ends in the death of the unborn baby. In New York City they are taking down one of these billboards and Alveda King support them being up.

From CNS News:
Pro-life activist Alveda King reacted to the removal on Friday of a billboard advertisement in Manhattan that featured a black girl and the statement “the most dangerous place for an African American is in the womb.”

“It is an outrageous act of censorship that this billboard was taken down,” King said. “This billboard should be posted in every city of the country.

The billboard message’s placement comes in the wake of a report released last month by the New York City Department of Health that revealed an abortion rate of 41 percent of all pregnancies in the city in 2009 -- with 59.8 percent of those to African-American women.

“The message of this billboard is totally accurate,” King said in a statement issued by Priests for Life where she is the director of African-American Outreach. “The most dangerous place for an African-American is in the womb!”

She added: “And it should provoke outrage in the African-American community—not because it is racist, but because of the truth it reveals; the truth that is being kept from the African-American community.”

The billboard message was a project of, which paid for the message as part of its LifeAlways project.

“There is a battle being waged in the United States that has taken more lives than any foreign war or act of terrorism,” the Web site states about the project. “The enemy is abortion.

“Its supporters include the main stream media, liberal representatives in government, and Planned Parenthood, the country's largest abortion provider,” the statement says.

Dr. Alveda King

Dr. Alveda King. ( photo/Penny Starr)

CNN reported on Friday that Lamar Advertising, which owns the billboard, decided to take down the message after people who opposed it threatened workers in the building located next to the billboard.

The Rev. Al Sharpton had reportedly planned a protest at the site of the billboard on Saturday and pro-abortions groups had also complained about the pro-life message...