I would hope that cutting the federal purse strings to Planned Parenthood would be something social and economic Conservatives could agree on. An organization that was founded by an advocate of eugenics does deserve to be funded by the American people. From
Life News:
The Planned Parenthood Federation of America finally released its 2008-2009 Annual report detailing its financial figures. The report shows it received more government funding, which has translated into more abortions.
The nation’s largest abortion business released a factsheet in September showing the number of abortions it performed in 2008 increased to 324,008, a 6.1 percent increase over the 305,310 abortions it did in 2007.
The total government grants and contracts received by PPFA affiliates from government sources including state, local and federal governments, increased from $337 million to $350 million in 2009. The new report shows that figure has increased again to $363 million, though it does not specify what portion of the figure was received from each level of government.
Government grants accounted for 33% of Planned Parenthood’s income compared with just 28 percent for private donations. Income from its abortion centers generated another 37 percent.
In 1997, Planned Parenthood did about 160,000 abortions and received approximately $160 million in total taxpayer funding from various levels of government. Both the number of abortions and the amount of money received from government, supposedly for family planning to reduce abortions, has more than doubled since then...