Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Liberal Concern For "Social Justice" Ignores The Unborn

I find it both ironic and disturbing that the Liberal call to "social justice" which really seems to be about preaching a false "social gospel" continually ignores the oppression of the unborn. Not only do Liberals like Jim Wallis ignore and minimize the oppression of the most defenseless class humanity has ever known, he actually helps to propagate this oppression by supporting President Obama and the Democratic Party.

Here is Jim Wallis calling on one million Christians to get involved and fight for "social justice":
"Sometimes, the timing of events seems almost providential.

For more than a year, Sojourners has been discussing and planning to launch a campaign called A Million Christians for Social Justice.

We have talked, dreamed, and prayed about the possibility and power of bringing together, from across the life of the churches, the many voices that are calling for social justice. It’s many of us now: Evangelicals and Mainline Protestants, Catholics and Pentecostals, Black, Hispanic, and Asian-American churches — focusing our personal faith on the most urgent public issues our world is now facing. From human trafficking to HIV/AIDS, from inner-city education to global poverty, from racial justice to nuclear weapons, from immigrant families to access to health care, from the status of women and girls to conflict resolution in the Middle East, from creation care to homelessness — Christian voices are being heard and people of faith are mobilizing.

We are all being called to a deeper commitment to Jesus Christ and to living out his kingdom of love and justice. A stronger and authentic voice with moral authority beyond mere partisan politics needs to be heard on social justice. That voice can both speak truth to power and bring people together across cultural and political lines to act for justice..."
There is no mention about the slaughter of the unborn and even newly born in this Liberal list of Democratic Party platform issues. And if you are familiar with the Liberal view on these issues, abortion is considered an issue of "reproductive justice", even a blessing in which killing the unborn is sacred work and therefore must be advanced and exported to the poor. I think an unborn child whose father has acquiesced to the mother's desire to kill her baby or actually sought to have his child killed has caused that child to be seen a fatherless. The Christian call to take care of the orphan and the fatherless cannot be denied and I think this applies to the unborn as well.

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27

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Cross posted at Blue Collar Philosophy.