"On Thursday, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee approved adding a provision to the health care bill that would require abortion groups to be included in any health insurance network created by the bill, according to Family Research Council.
"It's ironic that Senator Mikulski (D-MD) and the committee Democrats would consider taxpayer-funded abortions to be a health care benefit since the baby gets no health care benefit from abortion," said FRC president Tony Perkins. "President Obama and the Democrat leadership claim they want to 'reduce' abortion, but you don't reduce abortion by funding it."
The lawmakers have avoided specifically mentioning "abortion" in the legislation and have instead used terms such as family planning and reproductive health care. But on Thursday during a HELP meeting, Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) pressed Mikulski about the language in the amendment..."
President Obama and his Liberal followers are pro-abortion absolutists. They are not even personally opposed to abortion. No Christian can support such wickedness.